Following an assessment by the Fisheries Officer and after consulting with Andrew Ellis of AE fisheries, a joint decision has been taken to postpone the major remedial works that were due to commence at Hutton Rudby ponds on the week commencing Monday 22nd May. This work has now been rescheduled for the week commencing Monday 19th June.
This decision was made to ensure both the safety of those undertaking the work and that no unnecessary damage is caused by the heavy machinery – essential for completing the work – to the soft banking and the neighbouring land of farmers and homeowners who are providing access to the ponds – which have become waterlogged due to the large volume of rain over the last month.

This short delay will allow the standing water to drain and the land to dry out to ensure the work can be carried out quickly, safely and with the minimum of damage to the banks and surrounding environment.
The match on Monday 22nd May will now go ahead as usual with the corresponding match on 19th June Cancelled and as before the ponds will be closed to members from this date until the work is complete.
We appreciate your understanding in this matter.
M.A.C. Committee 16/05/23